Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 7

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

Students will learn the difference between fiction and nonfiction books.  We will teach and work with the students on asking questions while reading.


The students will continue writing their personal narratives.

Social Studies

We will continue to discuss the structures of city, state, and national government.



We are now subtracting 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping.  We will continue 3 digit addition with regrouping as well as rounding numbers in both the tens and the hundreds place.

On Friday, we will have a 20-25 question assessment on subtraction with all other skills we have learned so far.  This exam will count as 60% of the second six week's grade.  Please help your child practice their addition, subtraction, and rounding skills.


This six weeks we will learn about different forms of energy:  light, sound, thermal, mechanical, friction, and finally magnets and gravity.

Help your child "see" when these types of energy are being used around the house or around town when you are shopping or driving.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.  We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature.

Last week the students began daily recording Gilmer's temperature on a blank thermometer (counting by 2's).  Later in math we will study thermometers in increments of 1's, 2's,  5's, and 10's.  I want them to see that they are just vertical number lines.

This next week we will compare Gilmer's forecast to that of Seattle, Washington.

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