Friday, December 13, 2013

Week 16

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

We will be reviewing poetry and reading different versions of "The Night Before Christmas" poem.


We will be writing a letter to Santa.

Social Studies

We will review the holidays around the world (Christmas and Hanukkah).



We are going to learn how to read information in bar graphs (with intervals greater than 1) and pictographs (with a key greater than 1).


We will finish discussing the sun and the moon.  Then we will finish the week learning about the solar system which includes the order and names of the planets.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Week 15

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

We will continue learning about biographies and autobiographies.


We will continue with our expository writing.

Social Studies

We will continue to learn about holidays around the world (Christmas and Hanukkah).



We are going to now mix all processes ( X / + - )  along with estimation (round first then add or subtract).


This week we will continue to discuss forces: We will finish with simple machines and begin discussing the sun and the moon.  Afterward, we will learn about the solar system which includes the order and names of the planets.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation. We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature. We are continuing to track Gilmer's temperature on our thermometer log.

This week we will compare Gilmer's forecast and climate to that of Maine.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Week 14

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

We will continue learning about biographies and autobiographies.


We will continue with our expository writing.

Social Studies

We will continue to learn about holidays around the world (Christmas and Hanukkah).



We are going to continue working in multiplication and division tables.  In third grade, we teach the students to look at tables from label to label (tires to cars) and not the numbers themselves down the table.  Some are still wanting to add down the table instead of multiplying or dividing across the table.


This week we will continue to discuss forces: mechanical (push/pull), friction, and gravity.  We are going to continue to discuss on gravity's pull as we discuss simple machines used to do work.  We will also finish discussing friction.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation. We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature. We are continuing to track Gilmer's temperature on our thermometer log.

This week we will compare Gilmer's forecast and climate to that of Maine.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Week 13

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

We will learn about literacy/non-fiction texts (biography and autobiography).


We will learn the elements of expository writing.

Social Studies

We will learn about holidays around the world.



We are going to continue into our second week of division.  We are focusing on the difference between multiplication and division word problems.


This week we will continue to discuss forces: mechanical (push/pull), friction, and gravity.  We are going to focus on gravity and friction and move into simple machines.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation. We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature. We are continuing to track Gilmer's temperature on our thermometer log.

This week we will compare Gilmer's forecast and climate to that of Virginia Beach, Virginia (we didn't get to it last week).

Friday, November 8, 2013

Week 12

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

Students will begin to explore the elements of poetry.


The students will continue to write their second personal narrative.

Social Studies

We will learn about people who helped shape communities (Christopher Columbus and Juando Onate).



We are going to introduce division and continue working on our two digit by one digit multiplication.


This week we will continue to discuss forces:  mechanical (push/pull),  friction, and gravity.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.  We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature.  We are continuing to track Gilmer's temperature on our thermometer log.

This week we will compare Gilmer's forecast and climate to that of Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week 11

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

Students will learn about cause and effect, drawing conclusions, and summary.


The students will continue to write their second personal narrative.

Social Studies

We will learn about people who helped shape communities (Christopher Columbus and Juando Onate).



We are learning how multiply two digits by one digit using the algorithm and their multiplication charts.  We are daily filling out multiplication charts for fact practice.


This week we will continue to discuss forces:  mechanical (push/pull),  friction, and gravity.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.  We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature.  We are continuing to track Gilmer's temperature on our thermometer log.

This week we will compare Gilmer's forecast and climate to that of Bismarck, North Dakota.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 10

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

Students will learn to use text evidence to help them infer.


The students will write their second personal narrative to share their experiences at the Yamboree.

Social Studies

We will learn about maps and globes.



We are learning about multiplication this week.  We are filling out multiplication charts and then using them to solve one digit by one digit word problems.


This week we will begin discussing forces:  mechanical (push/pull),  friction, and gravity.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.  We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature.  We are continuing to track Gilmer's temperature on our thermometer log.

This week we will compare Gilmer's forecast and climate to that of Anchorage, Alaska.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 9

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

Students will learn about a story's main idea and its supporting details.


The students will continue to write about their important personal experience (personal narrative).

Social Studies

We will write a "thank you" letter to Gilmer's Chamber of Commerce for their contribution and support in the Yamboree.



Monday we are reviewing for the math benchmarks for Tuesday.

Tuesday-Friday we will discuss patterns and how they are related to number lines, skip counting, and ordered pairs in a table (t-chart).  In previous years, students only thought of a pattern as ABABAB.  This year we are showing them how numbers themselves can form a pattern.  This leads us to building arrays that we use for multiplication next week.


Monday we are reviewing for the science benchmarks for Tuesday.

This six weeks we will learn about different forms of energy:  light, sound, thermal, mechanical, friction, and finally magnets and gravity.

This last week we talked about sound, light, and thermal/heat energy.  This week we will begin discussing mechanical energy and friction.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.  We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature.  We are continuing to track Gilmer's temperature on our thermometer log.

This next week we will compare Gilmer's forecast and climate to that of San Diego, California.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Week 8

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts (Will be the same from last week)

Reading is Thinking

Students will understand characters, their relationships with other characters in the story, and the changes they undergo.


The students will write about an important personal experience.

Social Studies

We will continue discuss the structures of city, state, and national government.



We are still adding and subtracting three digit numbers.  Monday we will practice do this within word problems.  Then we will have our next major test.  Finally, this short week, we will talk about estimation and how it is similar to rounding.


This six weeks we will learn about different forms of energy:  light, sound, thermal, mechanical, friction, and finally magnets and gravity.

This last week we talked about sound and light.  Next week we will continue light and discuss heat/thermal energy.  Help your child "see" when these types of energy are being used around the house or around town when you are shopping or driving.  

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.  We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature.  We are continuing to track Gilmer's temperature on our thermometer log.

This next week we will compare Gilmer's forecast and climate to that of Sante Fe, New Mexico.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Week 7

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

Students will learn the difference between fiction and nonfiction books.  We will teach and work with the students on asking questions while reading.


The students will continue writing their personal narratives.

Social Studies

We will continue to discuss the structures of city, state, and national government.



We are now subtracting 3 digit numbers with and without regrouping.  We will continue 3 digit addition with regrouping as well as rounding numbers in both the tens and the hundreds place.

On Friday, we will have a 20-25 question assessment on subtraction with all other skills we have learned so far.  This exam will count as 60% of the second six week's grade.  Please help your child practice their addition, subtraction, and rounding skills.


This six weeks we will learn about different forms of energy:  light, sound, thermal, mechanical, friction, and finally magnets and gravity.

Help your child "see" when these types of energy are being used around the house or around town when you are shopping or driving.

We are still logging and comparing, from both Gilmer and another US state, the current temperature of the air outside, wind speed and direction, and precipitation.  We also discuss time zones and how that affects air temperature.

Last week the students began daily recording Gilmer's temperature on a blank thermometer (counting by 2's).  Later in math we will study thermometers in increments of 1's, 2's,  5's, and 10's.  I want them to see that they are just vertical number lines.

This next week we will compare Gilmer's forecast to that of Seattle, Washington.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 6

What we are learning this week.....

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

Students will understand characters, their relationships with other characters in the story, and the changes they undergo.


The students will write about an important personal experience.

Social Studies

We will continue discuss the structures of city, state, and national government.



We are continuing practicing how to add 3 digit numbers together as well as rounding numbers in both the tens and the hundreds place.  On Thursday, wee will review subtracting 2 digit numbers with and without regrouping (borrowing) and quickly move into subtracting 3 digit numbers.


This week we will learn what is a mixture and what is not a mixture (solution).  We will be learning the ways you can separate a mixture (fingers, sieve, magnets) and testing different mixtures and solutions to determine if it is or is not a mixture.

Everyday we are logging the current temperature of the air outside as well as wind speed and direction and precipitation.  So far, we have compared it to data in New York, NY and Hawaii.  Next week we will compare it to Florida's data.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Week 5...Keep on Going!

What We are Learning this Week......
Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

Students will make inferences and draw conclusions about theme as well as provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. 


Students will write a personal narrative using a "heart map".

Social Studies

Students will understand the various levels of local, state, and national government.



We are now beginning to learn how to add 3 digit numbers to 2 and 3 digit numbers.  In second grade, the students learned how to add a 2 digit with another 2 digit.

Let your student roll dice or draw cards from a deck to build a three digit number and a two digit number that they will add up.  Many students are struggling with remembering to carry over from their ones to their tens place.  Practice with them and let them check it with a calculator!

Next week, we will begin subtraction!  They also struggle with remembering when and how to borrow!  Any help at home is appreciated!

Students still need to practice their rounding to the tens and hundreds place up to a 5 digit number.


Now that we have learned how to identify solids, liquids, and gasses, we will now learn how to turn a solid to a liquid and change a liquid to either a solid or gas by adding or taking away heat.  We will discuss how the molecules speed up when heat is added and slow down when heat is taken away.  
We will continue our discussion on how solids keep their shape, liquids take the shape of their container, and gasses move freely about inside and outside their container.

We also started discussing weather during week 4 and will continue this throughout the school year.  We are discussing how to read a thermometer or temperature dial and a rain gauge.  We are also discussing how warm and cold air along with moisture creates clouds and fog and how the wind moves the clouds in the atmosphere.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 4

Language Arts
Reading is Thinking

We will learn to apply our background knowledge (schema) as we read by making connections between what we already know and new information.

We will also learn how to pull out the most important information from our reading and put it in our own words in order to remember it (summary).


The power of VERBS!!

We will explore "Word Choice" (the "just right" words we choose in our writing to make the message clear).

Social Studies

We will learn about the heroes that helped shaped our community, state, and nation.



We are learning how to round numbers in both the tens and the hundreds place.  We will start out with simple 2 and 3 digit numbers and work our way up while keeping the rounding to these 2 places only.  We are calling numbers "friendly", because they are easy to add or subtract in our minds.  We are encouraging mental math skills (i.e. 1,487 + 1,342 = 1,500 + 1,300 = 1,800).


We are learning how some object can float and others sink.  Third grade doesn't go into buoyancy and density, but we do talk about how the object with less matter than water will float and adding mass or pressure to it will cause it to sink.

We will also talk about magnetism and temperature.  Temperature includes weather, but also the temperature of liquids using thermometers.  You can talk to your student about which objects are magnetic or not magnetic.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week 3

What We are Learning this Week......
Language Arts
Reading is Thinking

We are learning about the Elements of Fiction and how character feelings change throughout the story.


We will use sequence words in our writing (next, then, first, etc.).

*If your student is describing a sequence of events to you about their day, encourage them to use sequence words!

Social Studies

We will learn the history of Gilmer and the three types of communities:  urban, suburban, and rural.



We are continuing to learn about place value (the value of a number), now up to the hundred thousands place.  We will continue to compare and order them and will continue practicing how to write a number in four forms:  standard (just numbers with commas), written (words), pictorial/model, and expanded notation (598 = 500 + 90 + 8).  Next week we begin rounding!

*Have your child say three - five digit numbers out loud and how that number compares to other numbers (greater than, less than, equal to, between).  These two skills are the hardest and any extra help with be beneficial!


We are continuing to learn how to identify and describe the three different types of matter (solids, liquids, and gases) and how to describe them based from our five senses.

*Parents can play "What's the Matter" game with their kids and quiz them with items around the house or outside when you are driving down the street.  Tell them an item and have them classify it as a solid, liquid, or gas and discuss how their particles would look under a microscope (wildly flying = gas, somewhat wiggly = liquid, tightly packed = solid).

Friday, August 30, 2013

Week 2

Language Arts
Reading is Thinking

We are going to be making predictions, asking questions, and making connections as we read.


We are learning how to express ourselves using emotions that fit the purpose for writing and the audience, giving the written piece a strong "VOICE". (happy, frustrated, scared, grouchy, etc.)

Social Studies

We are learning about the dynamics of communities, including Gilmer.



We are learning about place value (the value of a number).  We will learn and order numbers on a number line into the thousand's place.  We will also be practicing how to write a number in four forms:  standard (just numbers with commas), written (words), pictoral (base ten and base one pieces), and expanded notation (598 = 500 + 90 + 8).


We are learning how to identify and describe the three different types of matter (solids, liquids, and gasses).

Parents can play "What's the Matter" game with their kids and quiz them with items around the house or outside when you are driving down the street.  Tell them an item and have them classify it as a solid, liquid, or gas.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week 1

Language Arts

Reading is Thinking

We are teaching the students to STOP and THINK when reading.  Asking yourself questions as you read is a great strategy to help with comprehension.


"All About Me" is a writing project to emphasize correct capitalization and punctuation skills.

Social Studies

We are learning how to be a good citizen by following CHAMPS.



We are learning there are several steps and strategies to solve word problems.


We are learning about modern day scientists and their impact on society.  We are also going to review lab safety before we begin future experiments.